пьяный китаец за рулем. что может быть страшнее?Хабаровск. Нетрезвый гость из Поднебесной ищет друзей в ГАИ.
Best of - Crash Test Compilation ! Part 1
Авто и транспорт, Просмотров: 307920 Добавлено: 1-05-2011, 16:39
Re-upload! Those $§/&%$%$§$ deleted my account without explanation! This video had more than 1 million views although it was flagged! My old name was jospi69. I will upload the other parts as well.Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=usWtTs0IdNMPart 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r_wcUFOpdjIPart 4: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kSg_HDFUGvISubscribe!
UFO Flying Over China July 9 2010!!! REALAn UFO scared Xiaoshan Airport in Hangzhou, China to stop operations on July 7, 2010!Original video from youku.com
6800 tv ele-phone.ru обзор нокиа(nokia) китайский телефон
Мобильник, Просмотров: 1216 Добавлено: 26-04-2011, 03:01
6800 Китайский телефон c телевизором.http://ele-phone.ru/
Chinese, Singapore [By2 - Dancing] 'Cool dance'-12: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pii0Wle6skM (Age:16)
Real Alien-Part1In January of 1974 an unidentified flyng object (UFO) fell in the Andean mountains of Peru. The Military authorities denied what had happened, but some people were there before them and took something very valuable.....a HUMANOID(Alien). What you gonna see here is the dead Alien body that was keep over 33 years. Part2- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=twjXnHOL0fM
Real Alien-Part3In January of 1974 an unidentified flyng object (UFO) fell in the Andean mountains of Peru. The Military authorities denied what had happened, but some people were there before them and took something very valuable.....a HUMANOID(Alien). What you gonna see here is the dead Alien body that was keep over 33 years. Part4- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R5GHLT7FRFM
Real Alien-part2In January of 1974 an unidentified flyng object (UFO) fell in the Andean mountains of Peru. The Military authorities denied what had happened, but some people were there before them and took something very valuable.....a HUMANOID(Alien). What you gonna see here is the dead Alien body that was keep over 33 years. Part3- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5xGXjD5dNKE |