Portrait drawing Youtube. Art portrait of beauty
Образование, Просмотров: 88463 Добавлено: 29-06-2011, 08:08
Art portrait drawing Youtube, Look at result http://art-portrets.ru/drawn-stylish-girl.html To draw girl, it is hobby for each artist of portraitist, which create portrait of beauty. How to draw a face from a picture of beautiful girl in dry brush. Often ask a question to portrait artist, what is a portrait drawing in dry-brush? Now portrait drawing of Youtube is very popular. Look drawing on Youtube new style portrait in dry brush technique is very pleasant for visual perception. In video fragments are shown, portrait artist draws girl. To draw the beautiful girl, it is necessary correctly to draw proportions of face and correctly to shade details of the face and hair, giving to art portrait a volumetric kind. And still to draw a portrait of girl it is necessary always more beautifully, than on a photo. Художник рисует девушку по фотографииhttp://art-portrets.ru/dry_brush_technique.htmlhttp://www.art-portrets.ru/how-to-dry-brush.htmlhttp://www.art-portrets.ru/make-money-by-drawing.htmlhttp://www.art-portrets.ru/speed-drawing-videos.html
JuicyStar07 Portrait Drawing
Образование, Просмотров: 718139 Добавлено: 25-06-2011, 10:18
JuicyStar07 Portrait Drawing in technician a drybrush http://art-portrets.ru/JuicyStar07.html Walking on spaces Youtube has come across interesting channel JuicyStar07 with very beautiful girl BLAIR, from whom the aura of beauty comes.
Drawing portrait of woman. How to draw portrait from photo
Образование, Просмотров: 52338 Добавлено: 22-06-2011, 00:59
Drawing portrait of woman by artist Igor Kazarin. Speed drawing Video How to draw portrait from photo http://art-portrets.ru/black-and-white-drawings-of-women.html in remarkable technics of drawing portrait a dry brush. More often similar portraits are pleasant to women but if to draw young women, that is girls is much easier, it is very difficult drawing portrait of woman aged, especially if you drawing a portrait from a photo. How to draw portrait of woman aged, all it is necessary to catch correctly in a woman portrait proportions. The second Drawing portrait more effectively, especially for old women it is very important factor, to smooth down wrinkles within possible a little, It is necessary to draw more expressively eyes, lips and a hairdress. Drawing portrait of woman in this technics has gone 5-6 hours, probably high speed drawing portrait by 2 hours, but then quality and shine of perception of a portrait will be losthttp://www.art-portrets.ru/how-to-dry-brush.htmlhttp://www.art-portrets.ru/make-money-by-drawing.html
Сухая кисть. Художник рисует портрет по фотографии
Образование, Просмотров: 28322 Добавлено: 21-06-2011, 10:43
Художник рисует портрет по фотографии в технике сухая кисть. Рисование портрета мальчика заняло приблизительно 4 часа.
Speed painting portrait Britney Spears
Образование, Просмотров: 583311 Добавлено: 19-06-2011, 14:05
Speed painting portrait Britney Spears http://art-portrets.ru/drawing-britney-spears.html is drawn in technique of dry brush. People often ask me, what I use to draw a portrait in a dry brush technique. Many people think that I draw my portraits with charcoal or graphite, but it is not so. I draw only in oil. Today it is Speed painting color portrait well-known singer Britney Spears. In portrait used only a few oil paints. I have been tasked to draw Britney Spears is very beautiful, great attention was paid to the make-up singer, brilliantly reflecting its beauty. If you liked Speed painting Britney Spears, if possible, please Comment and Rate this job. Портрет с фотографии рисует художник Игорь Казаринhttp://art-portrets.ru/dry_brush_technique.htmlhttp://www.art-portrets.ru/how-to-dry-brush.htmlhttp://www.art-portrets.ru/make-money-by-drawing.htmlhttp://www.art-portrets.ru/speed-drawing-videos.html
Cartoon morphing. Morphing Stars
Образование, Просмотров: 13864 Добавлено: 18-06-2011, 00:32
Cartoon morphing Stars, from five cartoons of well-known people. Famous faces morphing Mr Bean, Jack Nicholson, Luciano Pavarotti, Jackie Chan and Marylin Monroe.
Cool Russian actors. Шаржи знаменитостей
Образование, Просмотров: 7771 Добавлено: 16-06-2011, 11:25
Cool Russian actors by Vladimir Dotsoev, who drew the stars of Russian cinema. Subsequently, these cartoons were cool animated. Шаржи знаменитостей http://art-portrets.ru/sharj.html нарисованные художником Владимиром Доцоевым. Анимированные картинки звезд Российского кино. Подробнее
Комментарии (0) Метки: cool, Russian, actors, cartoons, stars, of, cinema, шаржи, знаменитостей, анимированные, картинки
Oil Portrait Drawing Slideshow. My portrait painting
Образование, Просмотров: 19237 Добавлено: 15-06-2011, 23:48
Oil portrait drawing slideshow of artist Igor Kazarin. This is My commisioned oil portrait painting are written on a canvas. All life I like to draw realistic portraits especially paint drawings on canvas, in this technics of portrait drawing it is possible to achieve quite good results, therefore realistic portrait oil painting most of all involves me. All my portraits in slideshow are drawn by oil on multilayered system, usually on one oil portrait on a canvas leaves approximately about a month of work, depending on complexity. Realistic oil portraits on canvas always have huge attention the majority of people by beauty and realness and it is much important factor, basis to my portrait painting on canvas
Richard Gere Portrait Drawing step by step
Образование, Просмотров: 31146 Добавлено: 13-06-2011, 04:35
Richard Gere Portrait Drawing step by step. http://art-portrets.ru/richard-gere-pictures.html Portrait of a well-known actor Richard Gere is drawn in dry brush technique by portrait artist Igor Kazarin. Portrait Drawing step by step mode - consists from several fragments of drawing step by step view as slideshow, one image is gradually replaced by another.
Johnny Depp Speed drawing portrait in dry brush technique
Образование, Просмотров: 486994 Добавлено: 13-06-2011, 02:05
I wished to draw for a long time a portrait of well-known actor Johnny Depp, http://art-portrets.ru/johnny-depp-portrait.html as a result a portrait is drawn in the dry brush technique. Speed drawing portrait video consists of fragments Shooting on video camera. When draw a portrait moreover the actor such calibre as Johnny Depp, shooting on video distracts from work with a portrait, and sometimes a little and at all I forgot to include it in the fullness of time, therefore Speed drawing in video makes approximately about 70 %. Portrait drawing Johnny Depp has appeared not absolutely simple decision, therefore during portrait drawing, often it is necessary to correct some errors, achieving the best result. Is it possible, you can Comment and Rate If u liked drawing of artist Igor Kazarin. Pleasant to you of viewing |