Speed painting portrait Britney Spears
Образование, Просмотров: 583287 Добавлено: 19-06-2011, 14:05
Speed painting portrait Britney Spears http://art-portrets.ru/drawing-britney-spears.html is drawn in technique of dry brush. People often ask me, what I use to draw a portrait in a dry brush technique. Many people think that I draw my portraits with charcoal or graphite, but it is not so. I draw only in oil. Today it is Speed painting color portrait well-known singer Britney Spears. In portrait used only a few oil paints. I have been tasked to draw Britney Spears is very beautiful, great attention was paid to the make-up singer, brilliantly reflecting its beauty. If you liked Speed painting Britney Spears, if possible, please Comment and Rate this job. Портрет с фотографии рисует художник Игорь Казаринhttp://art-portrets.ru/dry_brush_technique.htmlhttp://www.art-portrets.ru/how-to-dry-brush.htmlhttp://www.art-portrets.ru/make-money-by-drawing.htmlhttp://www.art-portrets.ru/speed-drawing-videos.html
Speed drawing portrait of Monica Bellucci in dry brush art
Образование, Просмотров: 241494 Добавлено: 16-05-2011, 06:56
Speed drawing portrait of Monica Bellucci http://art-portrets.ru/e4.html in amazing the portrait art style of drawing a Dry-Brush, Portrait art in this technics of drawing very much pleasant for all women, as the example is portrait Monica Bellucci. Artist Igor Kazarin drew a portrait on time current of 6 hours, and only on video collected from fragments of work of the artist, it has turned out to time speed drawing portrait. I always liked to draw Monica Bellucci, in current of 15-17 years some portraits of Monica, a portrait Monica Bellucci 2009 now have been drawn, You can see and estimate video Speed drawing portrait of Monica Belluci. I can admit it, as my best art portrait technics a dry brush lately. Why in this technics I draw much, because such portraits very amazing and much like all women. Pay attention as it is effectively looked on this video. Художник рисует портрет с фотографииhttp://art-portrets.ru/dry_brush_technique.htmlhttp://www.art-portrets.ru/how-to-dry-brush.htmlhttp://www.art-portrets.ru/make-money-by-drawing.htmlhttp://www.art-portrets.ru/speed-drawing-videos.html
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