Amazing Coordinated Samsung Dance![]() Koreans(south) pull off a crazy coordinated dance.Song List: (thanks to Sniff3r07)1st Song (00.11) - Go west by Lazybone(Korean band)Remake from Village people by Petshop boys - Go west) 2nd Song(01.01)???? Zil Poong Ka Do (strong wind highway) by Yoo jeong seok from some animated movie openning. (thanks amslaiy)-------------------Song and file on Video Response thanks to Wakabayash and Amslaiy.3rd Song(02:30)Kang-Kang by LPG.(Korean). 4th Song(03:40)Worldcup Song by Clone. 5th Song(05:20)Modern Talking - Ready for the Victory
Премьера! Alex Cosmo & Inertia feat Adriana - Супер Герой (Episode 2)![]() Канал Ello Новые Звезды http://bit.ly/hD9Ln2(c) 2011 Alex Cosmo
Street Performers in London![]() 2 talented guys doing robotic and cool dancing. A guy dances with a glass ball without touching it. These guys are awesome. I watched them twice!
Black Eyed Peas - Just Cant Get Enough / Switch-Up ( Techno-Dance-Remix )![]() Black Eyed Peas - Just Cant Get Enough / Switch-Up ( Techno-Dance-Remix )...mir war langweilig...und der Teil ab 2:40 ist im Original mal sowas von Hammer...Angestossen von der Version von Orguluso: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SnFM-LGnEIE Also besteht das Lied aus dem Original und der Instrumentalversion die hier rumschwirrt
Dan Balan - Justify Sex (Radio PureEnergy.FM)![]() http://www.pureenergy.fmDer n?chste gro?artige Track von Dan Balan, nach seinem Hit Erfolg Chica Bomb jetzt die n?chste Singel Justify Sex.Viel Spa? damit, besucht unsere Seite PureEnergy.FM. Dirty Dancing - Final Dance Scene![]() Dirty Dancing - Final Dance SceneKijk ook eens op http://www.kijksnelhier.tk |