Motorrad Crash-Test beim ADAC
Авто и транспорт, Просмотров: 10594 Добавлено: 5-05-2011, 11:48
Der ADAC testete sehr aufw?ndig, ob Airbags in Motorradfahrer-Ausr?stung f?r mehr Sicherheit sorgen k?nnen. MOTORRAD blickt in Ausgabe 4/2011 erg?nzend in die Zukunft und zeigt, was sich in der Airbag-Szene f?r Biker tut. Подробнее
Комментарии (0) Метки: Motorrad, Motorcycle, Car, Crash, Dummy, Test, Airbag, Schutzbekleidung, Protektor, Helm
Best of - Crash Test Compilation ! Part 1
Авто и транспорт, Просмотров: 307920 Добавлено: 1-05-2011, 16:39
Re-upload! Those $§/&%$%$§$ deleted my account without explanation! This video had more than 1 million views although it was flagged! My old name was jospi69. I will upload the other parts as well.Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=usWtTs0IdNMPart 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r_wcUFOpdjIPart 4: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kSg_HDFUGvISubscribe!
Motorcycle Crashes7 minutes of motorcycle wrecksBreakout - Foo FightersWe Fall Down - Crownd
тачку на прокачку)))Машину в хлам разбило Подробнее
Комментарии (0) Метки: automobiles, truck, motorcycle, accident, crash accident, motor sports, bike, cars, mountain bike, backflip, stunt, crash
Making of: Biker-Jeans im MOTORRAD-Crashtest
Авто и транспорт, Просмотров: 6954 Добавлено: 27-04-2011, 04:16
MOTORRAD testete zahlreiche Biker-Jeans und Jeans-Kombis auf ihre Schutzfunktion bei einem Sturz. Alle Ergebnisse des gro?en Vergleichstest lesen Sie in MOTORRAD Ausgabe 13/2010. Подробнее
Комментарии (0) Метки: Motorrad, Bike, Dummy, Crash, crashtest, motorcycle, Jeans, Leather, Lederkombi, Unfall, test, Vergleichstest, Review, Biker, Honda, ADAC
5 Death car crash in RussiaThis video is to make many think about their behavior on the road. The tragedy occurred at 16.20 on 69 km of the Leningrad highway near Solnechnogorsk. BMW driver went to overtake on the right side, and then drove into the oncoming lane and crashed into a fuel truck. From the blow a car with fuel slid into a ditch and caught fire. In the continuation, see movie, which filmed friends of the victims, who were traveling on the second machine. Подробнее
Комментарии (0) Метки: Car, Crash, BMW, Merc, Russia, Deaths, truck, motorcycle, engine, accident, racing, motor sports, cars, vehicle, stunts, car crash, accidents, auto, compilation, crashes, plane, crash test, plane crash
Idiot crashes motorcycle- freakin hilarious.....wow. i would never let anyone learn to ride on my bike. Подробнее
Комментарии (0) Метки: idiot, street, bike, motorcycle, crotch, rocket, funny, crash, wipeout, wipe, out, wow, motercycle