Funny Stupid People!READBENNY HILL THEME TUNE IS THE MUSICTAKE ALL OF YOUR COMPLAINTS ABOUT CLIPS THAT CAUSE OFFENCE TO FUNNY-VIDEOS.CO,UK AND EMAIL THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANKYOU.Thanks to everyone who watches this video I hope you enjoy it!!! (: xxwww.youtube.com/spongeblairStupid People.Stupid Animals.Boxing. (not stupid...)THE REST IS THOUGH!&Helicopters.why is stupid a guy fallig from his motorbike? I dunno..most funny videos on Youtube include some kind of car/bike accident!ps..I DELETE LAME COMMENTS.
Military mistakes accidents and crashesI got the music from here: http://www.youtube.com/trackonerecordings If you liked the old song better, you can get it yourself from audioswap - search for With A Spirit by 009 Sound System |