Richard Gere Portrait Drawing step by step![]() Richard Gere Portrait Drawing step by step. http://art-portrets.ru/richard-gere-pictures.html Portrait of a well-known actor Richard Gere is drawn in dry brush technique by portrait artist Igor Kazarin. Portrait Drawing step by step mode - consists from several fragments of drawing step by step view as slideshow, one image is gradually replaced by another.
Couple drawing portrait by dry brush![]() Couple drawing portrait by dry brush, slideshow with effect morphing. http://art-portrets.ru/family_portrait_painting.html Draw a portrait of the pair is certainly an interesting exercise but at the same time still relatively difficult task, especially if an artist draws a couple portrait from photos. Must not only catch a good likeness of characters, but sometimes correctly merge figures of 2 people from different pictures. If you are interested in drawing technique dry brush, I invite you to visit PortraitDrawing channel and watch my video portraits
My portrait drawings slideshow of beautiful women![]() My portrait drawings slideshow of beautiful women drawn by artist Igor Kazarin in technics a dry brush. What is the dry brush you can look video on channel PortraitDrawing showing process of work of similar portrait drawings, for example portrait of Monica Bellucci. In this portrait drawings slideshow some known actresses and models: Monica Bellucci, Natalia Oreiro, Josie Maran, Valeria Mazza, and simply beautiful women are presented. Next time, I also shall show you the others drawing slideshow, for example oil on a canvashttp://art-portrets.ru/dry_brush_technique.htmlhttp://www.art-portrets.ru/how-to-dry-brush.htmlhttp://www.art-portrets.ru/make-money-by-drawing.htmlhttp://www.art-portrets.ru/speed-drawing-videos.html
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