Couple drawing portrait by dry brush
Образование, Просмотров: 18166 Добавлено: 18-05-2011, 19:52
Couple drawing portrait by dry brush, slideshow with effect morphing. http://art-portrets.ru/family_portrait_painting.html Draw a portrait of the pair is certainly an interesting exercise but at the same time still relatively difficult task, especially if an artist draws a couple portrait from photos. Must not only catch a good likeness of characters, but sometimes correctly merge figures of 2 people from different pictures. If you are interested in drawing technique dry brush, I invite you to visit PortraitDrawing channel and watch my video portraits
Star morph girls. Effect of morphing faces of beauty
Образование, Просмотров: 48108 Добавлено: 18-05-2011, 15:37
In Star Morph girls are used 4 portraits known top models Valeria Mazza, Josie Maran, Monica Bellucci and Natalia Oreiro drawn by artist Igor Kazarin in the technician a dry-brush. Effect of morphing faces of beauty, it was gained pleasant effect of perception, morphing person are smoothly replaced one for another. Эффект видео морфинга Портреты нарисованные художником Игорем Казариным. Сухая кисть
Live portrait drawing. Street artists in Art Dubai festival city
Образование, Просмотров: 33159 Добавлено: 17-05-2011, 13:26
Live portrait drawing of artist Igor Kazarin. Russian Street artists and musicians was invited to Dubai at festivals. Thus Russian Street artists draw portraits in Dubai festival city, there was a lot of people wishing to draw a live portrait, especially a lot of pretty girls, so we drawing them. But we physically did not have enough time to draw all of them. Thus despite the lack of time drawing a portrait from life, some people want to order a portrait from photos, which we drew in spare time. later we received a very large number of portraits from the photos, though we wanted to draw live portraits. Drawing live portrait of this pretty girl was about 1 hour, portrait drawn in the technique of dry brush. This style of drawing portrait liked the residents and visitors of Dubai
Speed drawing portrait of Monica Bellucci in dry brush art
Образование, Просмотров: 241512 Добавлено: 16-05-2011, 06:56
Speed drawing portrait of Monica Bellucci http://art-portrets.ru/e4.html in amazing the portrait art style of drawing a Dry-Brush, Portrait art in this technics of drawing very much pleasant for all women, as the example is portrait Monica Bellucci. Artist Igor Kazarin drew a portrait on time current of 6 hours, and only on video collected from fragments of work of the artist, it has turned out to time speed drawing portrait. I always liked to draw Monica Bellucci, in current of 15-17 years some portraits of Monica, a portrait Monica Bellucci 2009 now have been drawn, You can see and estimate video Speed drawing portrait of Monica Belluci. I can admit it, as my best art portrait technics a dry brush lately. Why in this technics I draw much, because such portraits very amazing and much like all women. Pay attention as it is effectively looked on this video. Художник рисует портрет с фотографииhttp://art-portrets.ru/dry_brush_technique.htmlhttp://www.art-portrets.ru/how-to-dry-brush.htmlhttp://www.art-portrets.ru/make-money-by-drawing.htmlhttp://www.art-portrets.ru/speed-drawing-videos.html
My portrait drawings slideshow of beautiful women
Образование, Просмотров: 178372 Добавлено: 15-05-2011, 23:16
My portrait drawings slideshow of beautiful women drawn by artist Igor Kazarin in technics a dry brush. What is the dry brush you can look video on channel PortraitDrawing showing process of work of similar portrait drawings, for example portrait of Monica Bellucci. In this portrait drawings slideshow some known actresses and models: Monica Bellucci, Natalia Oreiro, Josie Maran, Valeria Mazza, and simply beautiful women are presented. Next time, I also shall show you the others drawing slideshow, for example oil on a canvashttp://art-portrets.ru/dry_brush_technique.htmlhttp://www.art-portrets.ru/how-to-dry-brush.htmlhttp://www.art-portrets.ru/make-money-by-drawing.htmlhttp://www.art-portrets.ru/speed-drawing-videos.html
Portrait painting in oil. Realistic oil portrait of man
Образование, Просмотров: 120150 Добавлено: 14-05-2011, 22:52
Portrait painting in oil on a canvas for nice men. http://www.art-portrets.ru/oil-painting-video.html Realistic painting portrait in oil from photo drawn by artist Igor Kazarin on a canvas in the size of 40 sm on 50 see Time of execution of this portrait has borrowed 3 weeks. In this video stage-by-stage process of drawing of a portrait by oil, with high-speed drawing playback is shown. Realistic oil painting portrait has deserved great glory starting with depth of centuries.Presently oil painting portrait in style of realism loses the positions concerning other methods of drawing portraits, but nevertheless admirers of artist drawing portrait in oil on canvas in realistic style to become more and increasing every year and it is no surprising in fact for understanding such portraits are accessible to much.
Фотошоп Как сделать белые зубы в фотошопе
Образование, Просмотров: 22769 Добавлено: 11-05-2011, 18:25
Больше фотошоп уроков на сайте: http://www.ADinfoBiz.comВ этом фотошоп уроке мы научимся как сделать белые зубы на фото. С помощью инструментов фотошоп быстрое выделение и цветовой баланс мы быстро и легко уберем желтый оттенок с зубов на фотографии.
Пикап. Как сделать розу из салфетки
Образование, Просмотров: 204410 Добавлено: 11-05-2011, 16:35
Пикап. Обучающее пособие. Девушке будет приятно.
как сделать дымовую шашку
Образование, Просмотров: 234674 Добавлено: 9-05-2011, 05:46
Видео - как сделать дымовую шашку
Как сделать свой сайт
Образование, Просмотров: 8437 Добавлено: 9-05-2011, 02:09
Обратите внимание на этот сайт , тут можна сделать хорошие деньги. Неполенитесь зарегистрируйтесь. Только тут вы можете легально и быстро заработать хорошие деньги. Это легко ! |