Live portrait drawing. Street artists in Art Dubai festival city![]() Live portrait drawing of artist Igor Kazarin. Russian Street artists and musicians was invited to Dubai at festivals. Thus Russian Street artists draw portraits in Dubai festival city, there was a lot of people wishing to draw a live portrait, especially a lot of pretty girls, so we drawing them. But we physically did not have enough time to draw all of them. Thus despite the lack of time drawing a portrait from life, some people want to order a portrait from photos, which we drew in spare time. later we received a very large number of portraits from the photos, though we wanted to draw live portraits. Drawing live portrait of this pretty girl was about 1 hour, portrait drawn in the technique of dry brush. This style of drawing portrait liked the residents and visitors of Dubai
Card Magic Tricks That Work By Themselves : The Clock Magic Card Trick Explained![]() See the Clock Trick Explained in this free magic lesson video.Expert: Malik HaddadiContact: www.malikthemagicguy.comBio: Malik Haddadi is a magical comedy entertainer, balloon artist, and juggler with over 15 years experience.
How to Do Rope Magic Tricks : Cut Rope in Half Magic Trick Revealed![]() Learn how to do the cut the rope in half magic trick in this free illusion and street magic video.Expert: Malik HaddadiContact: www.malikthemagicguy.comBio: Malik Haddadi is a magical comedy entertainer, balloon artist, and juggler with over 15 years experience.Filmmaker: Christian Munoz-Donoso
Street Performers in London![]() 2 talented guys doing robotic and cool dancing. A guy dances with a glass ball without touching it. These guys are awesome. I watched them twice!
СМЕШНЫЕ, ТУПЫЕ, НЕУДАЧНЫЕ моменты ОБУЧАЛОК=)![]() это видео не особо нуждается в монтаже,но нужнается в паре фраз.это видео для тех кто думает что снимать такие видео легко,или скучно...иногда уходят десятки дублей,иногда мы учимся сами,тупим,Смеемся,Выходим из себя орем и что только не делаем..но пробуем вновь...посмотрите это видео для поднятия настроения=)я думаю должно быть смешно.особбенно после 5 минут идет самый СМАК!=)
Freeride Session - RedBull StreetStyle 08 Freestyle Football![]() An amazing freestyle footbal compilation from the Red Bull Street Style. The best in the world competing in freestyle football trixx battles. Simply unbelievable...
Best Magic Trick EVER!!!!!!!!![]() This guy from Hawaii is blowin people away with his street magic! Check this trick out!!!! Join his fan page on Facebook (Mark Mauricio Fan Page) or visit www.magicislandtv.com
David Blaine Street Magic: YouTube Edition!![]() David Blaine brings his famous street magic to YouTube. Watch as the famous magician blows the minds of two Los Angeles idiots. WARNING: This magic is amazing. |