Кулинарные путешествия часть1(coocing travel part 1)![]() деревня Старая Игра Граховского р-на Удмуртия 2009 г.Udmurt tradition food and songs Old Igra from Ghrakhov dist.Udm. 2009
BEST HUMMUS RECIPE!!! MUST SEE HUMMUS RECIPE![]() http://www.DedeMed.com Step BY Step HUMMUS Recipe ON HOW TO MAKE GREAT HUMMUS!!!For this Hummus recipe and others go to www.DedeMed.comBEST HUMMUS RECIPE !!! MUST SEE HUMMUS !!! HUMMUS
Naan Bread Recipe by Manjula, Indian Vegetarian Gourmet![]() Learn how to make Naan Bread by ManjulaView full recipe at http://www.manjulaskitchen.com/2007/05/22/naan-bread/INGREDIENTS: Recipe makes 6 Naans2 cups all purpose flour1 teaspoon active dry yeast1 teaspoon salt1 teaspoon sugarPinch of baking soda2 tablespoons oil21/2 tablespoons yogurt3/4cup look warm water 1 teaspoon clear butter or ghee1/4 cup all purpose flour for rolling
Правда о МакДональдсе![]() Мы были шокированы.1 минуту до этого, она протирала стол тряпокой
Cool Dances![]() In this video I was wearing the weirdest jacket ever,dont believe me see yourself.This has been a GageGanson On Friday.SUBSCRIBE!!!! |