Real Aliens Caught On Film?![]() For the cheapest web hosting visit: http://www.hostmantis.comAre these real aliens caught on film? For more Alien pictures and UFO videos: http://www.top10ufo.com
real aliens caught on camera![]() this is real no fake 009 sound system music you can get their music from audio-swap or buy it from iTunes
REAL ALIEN TELEPORTATION (TV FOOTAGE) - BEST PROOF EVER - UFO 2011 - NASA KNOWS THE TRUTH![]() DETAILS OF THIS FOOTAGE: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tl_eCZVxXL8(Before you think it?s not real, look for all the informations about this subject starting on the links below).This footage was gotten by a brazilian TV program, that unintentionally got the most incredible video I?ve ever seen.They were trying to get some images of the famous brazilian et called Bil?.He can use the bilocation ability to be in many places at the same time and also desappear through dimensions portals.And that?s what happens on this footage according to the project?s researches.I think it?s this is the most important video at all that prove we?ve been visited constantly by ours et friends. (Sorry about my english)obs.: The et promissed to appear for the cameras at daylight till april 2011.I?ll be waiting.Other links: www.projetoportal.org.br????????????????????????????????? ???? ??????? ???????? ??? ???? ?????? ?????? ????? ?????? ????? ????? ????? ???????? ??? ?? ?? ??? ?? ??? ??? ??? ?? ?? ? ?? ?? ???NASA BRESIL ALIEN SOUCOUPE VOLANTE ET VID?O Pris TERRE CAMERA ZONE T?L?PORTATION MOON???????? ????????? ?????? ET ??????????? ??????? ?? ?????? teleportation ??????????? ????? ALIEN ???? ?????? ET ???? ????? ??? MOON ??? ????? ????????? ????????????????????????ET?????????????????????????????????НАСА ИНОСТРАННЫМ FLYING БРАЗИЛИЯ БЛЮДЦЕ ET Caught КАМЕРЫ ВИДЕОМАТЕРИАЛЫ MOON ЗЕМЕЛЬНАЯ ПЛОЩАДЬ ИЕРУСАЛИМ ТЕЛЕПОРТАЦИИ????????????????????????? ET ??????????? MOON ????????????????? Teleportation ??????????
Real UFO Caught on TAPE!![]() As said, a real UFO has been caught on tape and I bring you two virgins...versions of it. Enjoy! WHICH DO YOU LIKE? |