REAL ALIEN SIGHTING! Spooky Original Video/sightingi was testing my new cameras night vision on my cat and wondered what he was looking at towards his left, when i look i caught this on camera this weird shape seemed to have a laser or somethingSome People have done analysis videos here are links to them:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j4fcqLAHiRABy stuntalizer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b68ujfN9nAQ&feature=relatedBy kicktroolinfacewatch whole video
Dan Balan - Chica Bomb (DJ Alex NeighBour Remix)
Музыкальные, Просмотров: 16614 Добавлено: 19-04-2011, 18:12
DJ Alex NeighBour Remix Von Chica BombBesuche mein KanalVisit my Channalhttp://www.youtube.com/user/ElectroBeatzMUSIC Подробнее
Комментарии (0) Метки: Dan, Balan, Chica, Bomb, DJ, Alex, NeighBour, Remix, dance remix, house techno, r&b, dogs, new single, female vocalist, diva, pop music, pop dance, dnb, dance club, alternative rock, pet videos, drum and bass, rap music, techno music, rnb music, techn